Happy New Year from RMTT!

Last Updated: March 19th, 2018/Published On: December 30th, 2016/By /Views: 3595/

A huge thank you to all our clients who helped make 2016 our best year yet! We enjoy working with you and hope you’re excited for a fresh year to jump into next week.

img_5309For the first time in a long time, we had the entire team together in one room with their significant others for our 2016 holiday party and white elephant gift exchange. Held at Dunbar Kitchen & Tap House in Five Points, we all gathered for food and drink … and some more drink! It was a great time to catch up with everyone in person. Usually, we communicate while dashing across the front range!

The staff at Dunbar were absolutely amazing! Friendly, attentive and totally put up with all of us. Besides being expert mixologists, they concocted a special cocktail for the night—Did You Check the Wiki? That’s the answer everyone can expect when asking a question before searching our extensive online library of answers curated by the one and only Brandon Hamilton.

The hit of the white elephant gift exchange was the anatomically correct grilling apron which passed hands many times throughout the evening.

To a happy & healthy 2017!











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