Eaglesoft not connecting to database
We recently replaced a workstation at a local dentist office. We were able to ping the server by both IP and hostname, same version of Eaglesoft running on the server and the workstation, we can access the DATA file. However we constantly received the following error: “Database server not found” We uninstalled and reinstalled EagleSoft, rebooted server, rebooted workstation, uninstalled bitdefender, disabled firewall, ensured all updates are done ... contacted EagleSoft support and were still not able to get [...]
pfSense — Disable TCP timestamps to pass PCI compliance scan
We were working with a client to disable TCP timestamps (RFC1323) on pfSense to pass their PCI compliance scans. Referencing this thread ( Pfsense disable tcp timestamps RFC1323 ), it should be in system tunables but it was not present. To make this happen, go in through ssh and use sysctl to change it, it's not listed in the gui. Command is sysctl net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0 you can also use sysctl -a to list all system [...]
Bridging Softdent and PlanMeca
We couldn't find much of a solid guide out there for the right process connecting Softdent to PlanMeca. Call PlanMeca, they will tell you call Softdent. Call Softdent, they tell you call PlanMeca. Sharing this in case anyone else needs to integrate PlanMeca as their primary imaging software. You need to install the planmeca "PMBridge" this should be included with your Romexis software. If you have the original USB flash drive it's in the [...]
pfSense – OpenVPN iDRAC Access Failsafe
Clients with a pfSense can be set up with iDRAC access via OpenVPN even when the DC/server has crashed. If OpenVPN has not been set up, set up following OpenVPN wiki.
RMTT Holiday Party 2021
On Friday, December 10th, the team got together for a night out full of games, races & friendly competition at the Dave & Busters in Westminster. The holiday party was a great chance to catch up with everyone and celebrate the new year on the way.
Missing Xrays in Dexis
If the practice staff inadvertently archives images, you can do the following to get everything back the way it was. Click the folder at the top and ensure that the correct xray is selected to display. Verifying To ensure an xray has not been deleted, note the patient ID. For example, this patient's ID is 00000574. Go to the data folder and navigate to \0\0\0\0\0\5\7\4 Count the images in the folder, if they are not [...]
Add Shared Calendar to a Microsoft Team Group
Several clients have asked about adding a shared calendar to a Team's Group so they can all view and edit it directly in the Teams app separate from Outlook. Unfortunately, this isn't a native feature, but sounds like it is something that Microsoft is working on. Right now there isn't a built-in shared calendar feature for a Team's Group. We did however find a valid work around and thought I would share. Basically, you [...]
RMTT Mountain Gear Patches
Introducing our new line of RMTT patches. Perfect for all your on-the-go Rocky Mountain outdoor gear! Check out @bratchpatches on Instagram for more Grateful Dead goodness.
RMTT Summer Picnic 2021
The RMTT Summer Picnic 2021 was Saturday, August 21st at Waneka Lake Park in Lafayette, Colorado. This local park is awesome! It has a lake house with paddleboat, kayak, canoe and standup paddleboard rentals. Fishing is allowed and the lake is stocked with rainbow trout. Waneka Lake Park is also home to a fantastic disc golf course. The park has two park shelters, located next to the playground and Waneka Boathouse. The East shelter is closer [...]
Office365 constantly popping up Basic Authentication dialog instead of Two Factor
We run into this often, so thought it would be good to share if anyone else runs into this.Older Office 365 accounts are *NOT* set up to do modern authentication by default. So if the tenant was created prior to the change of default, you must do it manually. Otherwise, Outlook will keep trying basic authentication despite you having enabled two factor authentication.To do this through the GUI you can go here: If you [...]
Microsoft Security – Best Practices for Cloud
Our Microsoft partner, SYNNEX, compiled the following guidelines established by Microsoft to ensure the highest level of security. Included below, they've provided security guidelines for the prevention of and response to security incidents and links to the related Microsoft articles for each recommended action. Below are recommended best practices for use at all times. Follow these steps in this priority order. Use Identity Isolation to limit exposure of credentials Azure Guidance for Secure Isolation| [...]
RMTT virtual booth at the 2021 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention Anywhere
RMTT will have a virtual booth at the 2021 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention Anywhere January 21 – 23, 2021 presented by the Metro Denver Dental Society (MDDS). You can attend the entire conference online which offers a great opportunity to get your whole staff involved. Visit our Booth Meet up with our sales team as we cover cybersecurity, malware protection, HIPPA compliance and the value of regularly schedule maintenance visits to keep everything [...]
Unable to Connect to Eaglesoft Server
At a larger dental office recently, we had a single computer that would not connect to the Eaglesoft server no matter what. Even after a complete reinstall, it would always get the error that it can't connect to the server machine. We contacted Eaglesoft and this is a new problem that they have been recently seeing and appears to be related to a recent .net update. The fix 99% of the time is: Navigate [...]
Force a BIOS update for power adapter or battery issues
There's a cool trick one of our techs recently used to force the BIOS update when you can’t use a power adapter or the battery. Basically, you can target the .exe in command prompt followed by /forceit. For example, Inspiron_7500_Silver_5400_1.3.1.exe /forceit It will open the file and skip the power checks. Very useful for drain battery scenarios where BIOS needs to be updated to charge.
Software Operator Solutions merges with RMTT
We are very proud to announce that Software Operator Solutions has merged with Rocky Mountain Tech Team. We are excited to add Elaine Nelson to our team, and we look forward to continuing and adding on to the great support SOS provided to your team. RMTT is thrilled to welcome customers of Software Operator Solutions. We had the pleasure of meeting Elaine a few months ago and as we learned about her knack for [...]